
fishkeeping simplified


#Anubias , the most easiest, characteristic and broadly use plant in this beautiful hobby. Today we are going to explore the detail anatomy of this plant. The day we have started planted aquarium is the day when we have been introduced this plant and there are N number of examples where professionals are also displaying this plant to enhance natural detailing of their creation and many other dedicated hobbiest has grown in their Aquarium, biotope, even on blackwater.

Anubias commonly found in river side,lakes, streams, and mostly swamp areas in central Africa, due to their epiphyte character they are much more hardy and tolerated species among many other, mostly with tropical weather like 22-28°c, although it will survive in warmer temperature upyo 32 33°,but continiuing with this condition in long run they will start to fall off which indicate of care.

There are many verities of Anubias we can see in habitat, if i have to name , will start with Anubias_barteri, #Anubias_bar_var_nana, #Anubias_bar_var_petite ,#Anubias_bar_var_glabra ,#Anubias_bar_varangustifolia ,#Anubias_bar_var_caladifolia, #Anubias_heterophylla, #Anubias_coffeefolia, #Anubias_gigantea, #Anubias_afzelli, #Anubias_pangolino and so n so..

Like any other Aquatic, semi-aquatic plant anubias likely to thrives in soft water (6-6.7 6.8 ph, 4-6 dkh), although as i said above it has hard phyta sturcture chromosomiatic building block of vessels which helps them in extreme unfavourable condition like hard water with lowest nutrient level. Where as in a mature and established eco system anubias do white flowering, usually lasts for 2 3 month. Like other epiphyte plant anubias is a slow growing, natural degradation process also took time in Extreme condition.

Anubias due to their slow growth has tendency to catch algae. The surface of anubias deposits algae kike green spot, bba, staghorn, and sometime even dust algae. Hence is advised to place anibias n shades of hardscape or other plants avoiding direct light which can turn its leaves to brown. In some cases it has shown anubias do well in emersed from under direct light ( that too with minimaal distance) else it can burn tips. Co2 n nutrient requirement is low with this plant, they make food with available nutrient and carbon disolved in water, again injection external co2 n balance nutrint can boost it’s coloration n growth.

We can found some common desease in anubias which id rhyzome /root rot, melting. Anubias rhyzomes are vessels type sturcture, a fungi called ” Rhyzoctonia solani ” deribativly causes this rot. And high nitrate n low mineral promote this fungi yo spread if there are any damage part unchecked . Its more like an infection, hence treating this a bit treaky and hard to get success. Antibacterial treatment can cause other plant to damage hence separating the plant and discard rotten portion will be the first step with improving water parameter and avoid further loss.

In the verse hobby , any information is incomplete with limited wordings.. and need to be updated with reguler observation, hence I have shared according to my pinch which may or may not be differ with fellow hobbiest. Feel free to share your observation with this plant and enhance power of knowledge. We cant bagpack and the leave this earth with gained knowledge, so share it..


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